Proxmox 防火墙规则
Datacenter incoming/outgoing DROP/REJECT
If the input or output policy for the firewall is set to DROP or REJECT, the following traffic is still allowed for all Proxmox VE hosts in the cluster:
traffic over the loopback interface
already established connections
traffic using the IGMP protocol
TCP traffic from management hosts to port 8006 in order to allow access to the web interface
TCP traffic from management hosts to the port range 5900 to 5999 allowing traffic for the VNC web console
TCP traffic from management hosts to port 3128 for connections to the SPICE proxy
TCP traffic from management hosts to port 22 to allow ssh access
UDP traffic in the cluster network to port 5404 and 5405 for corosync
UDP multicast traffic in the cluster network
ICMP traffic type 3 (Destination Unreachable), 4 (congestion control) or 11 (Time Exceeded)
The following traffic is dropped, but not logged even with logging enabled:
TCP connections with invalid connection state
Broadcast, multicast and anycast traffic not related to corosync, i.e., not coming through port 5404 or 5405
TCP traffic to port 43
UDP traffic to ports 135 and 445
UDP traffic to the port range 137 to 139
UDP traffic form source port 137 to port range 1024 to 65535
UDP traffic to port 1900
TCP traffic to port 135, 139 and 445
UDP traffic originating from source port 53
The rest of the traffic is dropped or rejected, respectively, and also logged. This may vary depending on the additional options enabled in Firewall → Options, such as NDP, SMURFS and TCP flag filtering.
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Proxmox 防火墙规则
Datacenter incoming/outgoing DROP/REJECT
If the input or output policy for the firewall is set to DROP or REJECT, the following traffic is still al……

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